How to uninstall application (Silverlight in this instance) using a command prompt

Normally when I want to uninstall an application I will work through the below steps to get a simple clean uninstall script that is recommended. Unfortunately sometimes vendors dont provide this and you need to get creative in how you uninstall certain applications.

Here are the following steps I initially use to get more info on the steps:

  • Documentation – check to see if the vendor has written uninstallation documentation – most mainstream applications have detailed instructions on uninstallation of products
  • Check the registry for installed programs and see if they have an uninstall parameter
  • Lastly, google to see if others have found the answer already
  • WMI query – new step for me as the above did not help me for Silverlight


So I went to all the above mentioned and found that its not that obvious to uninstall Silverlight. The product documentation I found did state that you can run Silverlight.exe /qu to do a quiet uninstall, however it will only do it for that exact version.

Further looking into the Registry key for uninstallers i was not able to find an appropriate uninstall GUID or location. Finally I found the answer after interrogating WMI.

To get information about the product run the following command on a machine with an elevated command prompt”

product where caption=’Microsoft Silverlight'[/code]

And the final output is the below for Silverlight 4 and Silverlight 5 (after some formatting):

Detail Silverlight 4 Silverlight 5
AssignmentType 1 1
Caption Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Silverlight
Description Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Silverlight
IdentifyingNumber {89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00} {89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00}
InstallDate 20120905 20120515
InstallLocation c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\ C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\
InstallSource c:\c7d1cee414276eaf4a1cf03e4cef3e1b\ d:\35d7bf033e30a5bde26148c88cb4\
InstallState 5 5
Language 1033 1033
LocalPackage c:\Windows\Installer\80cf9afa.msi C:\Windows\Installer\18f86f05.msi
Name Microsoft Silverlight Microsoft Silverlight
PackageCache c:\Windows\Installer\80cf9afa.msi C:\Windows\Installer\18f86f05.msi
PackageCode {5A21A75B-58D7-4236-928F-ADD178C14697} {B946E19A-528E-4FAC-9C89-04027CC06FC4}
PackageName silverlight.msi silverlight.msi
Vendor Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation
Version 4.0.50524.0 5.1.10411.0
WordCount 0 0

The uninstall command

This gave me all the information I needed. Now I simply run the following command and it will uninstall Silverlight silently using the now discovered IdentifyingNumber.

[code]msiexec /x {89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00} /qn[/code]

Alternatively I could have used the following command to uninstall via WMIC but I am not a big fan of that solution. Source (

product where caption=’Microsoft Silverlight’ call uninstall[/code]

Your feedback is welcome.

7 thoughts on “How to uninstall application (Silverlight in this instance) using a command prompt”

  1. Ivan, I am running this from an elevated command prompt.

    wmic (enter)
    product where caption=’Microsoft Silverlight’ (enter)

    Nothing happens, just a flashing cursor.

    • Hi Cynthia,
      I have ran the command myself and i get the following on my machine:

      You can see the response was ‘No Instance(s) Available.
      This to try:
      – try it on multiple computers and see if you get the same result
      – manually type it in, especially with regards to the quotes as they can be converted to different characters
      – Type in WMIC >> ENTER >> Product >> ENTER. This should produce all the products in you system, and prove WMIC is working.
      This is what mine looks like:
      If that fails, you have an issue with WMI and should rebuilt WMI. There are multiple different suggestions on how to rebuild WMI. Follow several until it works. Maybe even i wrote an article on that, but i cant remember.
      – try running in a non elevated prompt. Note you cant uninstall but you can still query WMI.

      Hope that helps,

      • I see now that the issue was due to the offending desktop did not have silverlight installed.

        When using your method, I receive the following message:
        msiexec – Alias not found.

        I was able to successfully use Janson Chung’s method on other desktops running silverlight, which I thank you for listing here.


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