How to run domain admin tasks without being logged in as an administrator

My problem was I did not want to always “Run As…” all my important admin programs and mmc snap-ins all day because i didnt log on as an admin. It simply took up alot of my time and it frustrated me. What i really needed was a way to automatically (and securely) load all my administrative programs without having to enter any user names or passwords. Well i have a solution for anyone that had the same pain as i did.

The solution started off with the Free Elevation PowerToy found here where i used the elevation files in their original way, however i altered the original registry keys that go in the context menus along with the elevate.vbs to cater for certain anomalies.

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Who on your network is a Local Admin?

So I wanted an answer to a very simple question. Who on my network has been given Local Admin rights?
We have had requirements in the past where users had to be administrators for whatever reason, usually due to applications not working. Now i want to get a better understanding of who has access so we can try and minimise this (as I find it to be a security risk).

I did some searching around and it looks like i have found the a very simple solution. In short its a simple 2 line script that checks domain users (other than Domain Admins) and saves them in a file called %computername%.txt. It then searches that file for the user names and creates a new file for each user name in a different file called %username%.txt.

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